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Haiti Observateur


About Us


For your information, Haïti-Observateur, the leading Haitian weekly, has been in publication since 1971 and is an excellent advertising tool. The paper appeals to a broad cross-section of the Haitian community as well as of the wider Caribbean market. And with an ever-growing English section, Haïti-Observateur is reaching more English speaking readers every week.

Haïti-Observateur has offices in New York, Montreal, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and representatives in Paris and most cities on the Eastern Seaboard and as far inland as Chicago.
Circulation: 75, 000 Weekly


Promoting Haiti and Haitians. That is working towards their welfare, culture, economy, and all that positively impacts Haitians in and outside of Haiti.

HAITI-OBSERVATEUR a pour mission de promouvoir Haïti et son peuple. À cette fin, il oeuvre sur les plans suivants : bien-être, culture, économie, et sur tout ce qui est susceptible d’influer positivement sur la nation haïtienne.

Branch Locations


98, Avenue John Brown, 3eme etage

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Tel. (509) 223-0782 or (509) 2223-0785


Gerard Louis Jacques

Tel. 1 (514) 321-6434

12 haiti OB Canada

12213 Joseph Cassavant

Motreal H3M2C7

Europe, Afrique et Asie

Un Service special est assure a partir

de Paris. L'interesse doit s'adresser a:

Jean-Claude Valbrun

13 K Avenue Faidherbe, 8t Bt Aptt. 44

93310 Le Pre St. Gervais France

Tel. (33-1) 46-63-28-10

Address Brooklyn Navy Yard Bldg. 58, 63 Flushing Ave - Unit 277, Brooklyn, NY 11205
Phone 1 (718) 834-0222,,