Category: . Website: . P No: . P No: . P No: . Location: Ouest , Port-au-Prince , Aeroport View: 10642

Redefining The Turnaround


HAMASERCO (Haytian American Services Company, SA) is an independent ground handling service company, with headquarters at Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Founded on January 4, 1971, HAMASERCO was the first private handling company officially granted the right to operate at this airport. The company operates from its offices and cargo terminal facilities, both located within the airport perimeter. Amidst Haiti’s on-going difficult political and economic circumstances HAMASERCO continues to relentlessly pride itself of its quality service, industry expertise and the unwavering commitment of its personnel. Its staff members have the right qualifications, are capable, alert, and broadly trained to provide superior service to its clients. All services are rendered in accordance to IATA, ICAO and local governing rules, regulations and procedures.


1.       Representation, Administration and Supervision

We will liaise with local authorities and perform all administrative functions. If requested, we will establish and maintain local procedures and norms, and effect payments on behalf of the Carrier. In addition we will supervise and coordinate the services contracted by the Carrier with third parties by continuously verifying and ensuring the availability and preparedness of their staff and equipment.

2.       Passenger Services

From check-in to aircraft boarding our staff will be on hand to ensure an on-time departure and to provide support to all passengers. We will provide special equipment and specially trained personnel for assistance to unaccompanied minors, disabled passengers and deportees. We will also assist passengers when flights are delayed or cancelled. We will provide check-in positions and service counters. We will check the passengers travel documents and enter the required information in the Carrier’s and government systems.  We will weigh and measure checked and unchecked baggage and collect excess baggage charges.  We will manage on the Carrier’s behalf denied boarding compensations.  On arrival, we will handle on the Carrier’s behalf, lost, found and damaged baggage, and upon request arrange for the delivery of delayed baggage while maintaining communication with the passengers. 

3.       Ramp Services

We will handle baggage in the sorting area, prepare the delivery onto the flights and supply the load control unit with the weight information.  We will marshal the aircraft upon arrival and departure, provide wheelchocks and ground power.  We will also provide ramp to flight deck communication, passenger steps, equipment for loading and unloading the aircraft and personnel and equipment to perform baggage delivery and pick-up at the aircraft.  Upon request we will clean passenger and crew compartments, provide toilet service and rearrange cabin equipment.

4.       Load Control, Communications and Flight Operations

We will issue and carry flight documents between the aircraft and the appropriate airport offices.  Upon request we will prepare and issue loading instructions, weight and balance charts and loadsheets. We will also process and send all messages in connection with the services performed, maintain a file containing the above mentioned messages and provide means of communication between the ground station and the aircraft. In addition, we will, if requested, provide meteorological documentation, ensure that the flight plan is on file with local Air Traffic Control, and prepare and deliver the fuel order.

5.       Cargo and Mail Services

We will provide warehouse and storage facilities and the equipment for the handling of general cargo and mail.  We will take appropriate action to prevent pilfering.  We will also prepare Customs documentation, obtain Customs clearance, and place under Customs control inbound and outbound cargo. We will present to Customs the cargo for physical examination. We will report irregularities to the appropriate parties, prepare the airway bill and the manifest and will make them available to the consignee or agent.  We will accept, tally and assemble cargo for the flight and provide the load control unit with deadload weights.

6.       Support Services

We will provide accommodation for the Carrier’s representative, provide storage space for its ULDs and will make arrangements to ensure that damage and theft are prevented.  On behalf of the Carrier, we will also arrange for the transport of passengers and baggage from the airport to other agreed points.  We will also liaise with the Carrier’s catering supplier and will handle requisitions made by the Carrier’s representative.

7.       Security

We will provide security questioning, screening and physical examination of checked and unchecked baggage, identification of passengers prior to boarding, reconciliation of boarded passengers with their baggage and offloading of baggage for passengers who fail to board the aircraft.  We will also provide the screening of cargo and mail items and hold them for desired periods in secure storage.  We will also control access to the aircraft and will seal and guard it if requested.


We have a direct access to the appropriate expertise in the areas of master planning studies,airport automation, airport terminal concession development, aviation security, route development and cargo terminal planning and development.


  1. Master Planning Studies

·          Preparation of the Master Plan for the optimal development of an existing or proposed 

·          Analysis of all pertinent key issues.

·          Sizing and locating of major facilities.

·          Provision of sufficient capacity to meet the expected demand.

·          Ensuring the compatibility of airport expansion with local land-use planning and 
     environmental concerns pertaining to the proposed development.


  1. Airport Automation

·          Integration of tools and techniques geared at helping airports implement the latest IT 
     solutions alongside legacy systems.

·           Development of common system platforms that reduce support costs and enable 
     integration with other airport systems such as those supporting flight information  
     display and dynamic signage.


  1. Airport Terminal Concession Development

·          Development of concession plans that can both enhance the level of service and
     greatly enhance revenue.

·          Integration of concession facilities into basic functionality of the passenger handling 

·           Design of the nature, extent and physical arrangement of concession facilities.


  1. Aviation Security

·          Ensuring the balance between the demands of aviation security and passenger 

·           Comprehensive and detailed knowledge of current and emerging standards.

      5.        Route Development

Evaluation of the demand and economic viability for new and additional air services.

·          Market demand studies to identify potential new routes and to provide detailed 
     evaluations of key relevance to potential airlines.

Cargo Terminal Planning and development

Conceptual planning of cargo facilities.

·          Preparation of detailed planning studies.

·          Design of modern, efficient and appropriately sized cargo facilities

Address Aéroport International Toussaint Louverture, Port-au-Prince
Phone 509 3782-8832,509 3106-7238,509 3106-7240