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The Development Innovations Group (DIG) is a private, international firm committed to expanding the frontiers of finance and development. DIG strives to improve the lives of the poor in developing and transitioning economies by enhancing the inherent strengths of national and local governments, communities, and the private sector.

We foster innovative, locally-driven solutions in the fields of financial services for the poor; urban, water, and infrastructure services; as well as fund management. Dedicated to excellence, our staff members design and manage programs, deliver customized training, and provide advisory services. DIG has worked in over 35 countries, spanning a variety of development contexts, including post-disaster and post-conflict settings. We freely disseminate our findings to enrich the practices of development stakeholders worldwide.

About DIG

DIG implements activities in transitioning and developing economies, as well as post-disaster and post-conflict settings throughout the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. DIG has more than 50 staff worldwide. We maintain management offices in: Metropolitan Washington, D.C., USA; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; and Nairobi, Kenya, allowing closer proximity and faster response time to address the needs of our clients. DIG’s primary clients and partners include multi- and bi-lateral development agencies, private sector institutions, foundations, and non-governmental organizations.

For information regarding DIG’s founders, leadership and clients/partners, please click on the relevant link(s) below:

Our Expertise

The Development Innovations Group (DIG) provides expert program management and advisory services in the fields of financial services for the poor; urban, water, and infrastructure services; and fund management. Our staff is comprised of recognized leaders in these fields. DIG implements activities in transitioning and developing economies, as well as post-emergency settings throughout Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. We are committed to expanding the frontiers of finance and development through innovative, high-impact programs in the following areas:

DIG’s global experience includes work in the following countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon,

China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon,

Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka,

Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.


The Development Innovations Group (DIG) implements a variety of programs in the fields of: financial services for the poor; urban, water, and infrastructure services; and fund management. Our primary clients and partners are bi-lateral and multi-lateral development agencies, private sector institutions, foundations, and non-governmental organizations. We worked in over 35 countries on projects in microfinance, housing finance, slum improvement, small infrastructure development, and institutional capacity building. In addition, DIG works closely with international donors to conduct legal and regulatory reviews, financial sector assessments, and feasibility studies that inform their policy decisions and strategic planning. Our seasoned, international staff brings a wealth of experience from working in challenging development contexts, including conflict and post-conflict settings.
For descriptions of specific DIG programs and activities, please follow the appropriate link(s) below.

Key Programs:

Read what DIG's partners have to say about us:

"ECAP support has been invaluable in doing my job."
-Former Haitian Prime Minister Gary Conille during a visit to the office of the USAID-funded Emergency Capacity Assistance Program (ECAP) on April 19, 2012

"I wholeheartedly seize this opportunity to acknowledge with many thanks the invaluable contributions which DIG for almost two years now has made towards improvement in the quality of municipal services delivery in Monrovia."
-Acting Mayor of Monrovia, Liberia, Mary T. Broh, on DIG's support to the city under the Gates Foundation-funded Global Program for Inclusive Municipal Governance (GPIMG)

"The Urbis program has changed my life."
-Nassouma Inoussa, Imam of Koumassi Campement in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, who now has a potable water connection in his home thanks to the Gates Foundation-funded Urbis program

Contract Mechanisms

The Development Innovations Group (DIG) is committed to providing quality services to the U.S. Government, missions and host government entities. DIG, a small business, can be subcontracted under various government mechanisms, including indefinite quantity contracts (IQCs), Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts, other types of contracts, and cooperative agreements.

Address 86 bis, rue Panaméricaine, Pétionville
Phone 509-2813-1951,509 2813-0112,