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Tania Chihimie Biography in Haiti

Scandale à port-au-prince


???????? …A lire absolument!!

Message tel que reçu…

Pauvre Haïti ! En plus d’une succession de gouvernement de corrompus, nous n’avons jamais levé le voile sur ces dames qui font leur beurre de Pouvoirs en Pouvoirs que nous prenons plaisir à appeler ici Les putes de la République, vous allez juger avec moi! Ces femmes-là nagent en eau trouble et utilisent leur beauté et leur charme pour obtenir ce qu’elles veulent. Prenons le cas de Tania Chihimie, qui ne cache pas que ses enfants sont ses premiers gagne-pains !

Vous vous souvenez bien du dernier article qui parlait de cette femme avec ses deux autres associées, Elodie Cajuste et Chantal Merzier Elie, petite rectification (Mme Chihimie n’a pas étudiée à Haward) à moins que ce soit la tromperie et l’art de voler. Tania Chihimie, qui est-elle ? Mariée à Pascal Garoute trafiquant de cocaïne à New York et en Floride, Pascal Garoute a plaidé coupable pour tous les chefs d’accusations portées contre lui et condamné à 11 ans de prison. De cette union est née 2 enfants. Mme Chihimie a fait de la prison avec son âme damnée Elodie Cajuste, ces dames étaient impliquées dans une entreprise de faux bons et de duplication de cartes de crédit au détriment de la Sogebank/Sogecarte. Suite à une intervention de René Préval (1er mandat), elle fut mise en liberté. Elle épouse en secondes noces Ti-Michel Fourcand, de cette union est né un fils. Pas trop d’argent à en tirer, pas d’affaires assez juteuses à gérer, elle le largue comme une vieille chaussette.

On retrouve en 2004, Mme Chihimie, à nouveau dans le collimateur de la Justice, où sa maison est perquisitionnée et surveillée par la DEA et la PNH vu son implication avec son amant Fourel Celestin, président de l’Assemblée Nationale d’alors, après l’arrestation de ce dernier pour Trafic de drogues et son transfert dans une prison de Miami. Mme Chihime est la femme de toutes les mauvaises compagnies, et elle ne le cache pas d’ailleurs. Son appartement à Turcs and Caicos est perquisitionné par la FBI pour blanchiment d’argent à défaut de la trouver elle, ils trouvèrent Fred Béliard avec qui Mme Chihimie était manager et Co-Propriétaire de « Transit Communication Network, adresse : 15590 NW 15 AVE, MIAMI, FL, 33179 » pour le compte de l’Ancien prêtre Président, c’était une société écran qui servait de centre de réception de fonds collectés sur le dos de la TELECO! A Turcs and Caicos, Tanie Chihimie était l’une des nombreuses maitresses du Premier Ministre Michael Misick. Ce dernier lui donna le monopole du commerce de sable et de ciment qu’elle transporta par bateau d’Haïti étant. Michael Misick démissiona en Mars 2009, suite à une fructueuse enquête du Gouvernement Britannique qui révéla de graves crimes de corruption, un gout effréné du 1er Ministre pour l’adultère, des achats exagérés de jets privés et voitures de luxe et de ventes douteuses de terrains publics, suite aux preuves de corruption généralisée, il a été arrêté. Vous pensez que Mme aurait déposé le tablier ? Oh que NON !

La voilà de nouveau et plus que jamais nageant dans toutes les boues entretenant relations sexuelles, sentimentales, rapports scandaleux et d’intérêt avec n’importe qui pouvant lui fournir de fortes sommes d’argent et comment le faire, pour elle tous les moyens sont bons et toutes les positions sont bonnes, Président de la République, Députés, Sénateurs, hommes d’affaires, propriétaires de médias, dealers de drogue, le plus souvent 4 ou 5 à la fois. Ils se connaissent tous entre eux, et elles les mènent tous. On dit que l’appétit vient en mangeant et le plus important pour Mme Chihimie est de devenir par tous les moyens la 1ère Dame de la République. Ce qui nous amène à Jude Celestin, qu’elle clame à qui veut l’entendre le Grand Amour de sa vie !

Lors des élections de 2010, le plus important pour Tania Chihimie après ses déboires était de se mettre en position pour effacer tous ses dossiers sales, de trainée du pouvoir, il fallait avoir la meilleure place. Elle se jette sur Jude Celestin, puisque les hommes ne peuvent pas lui dire non, avec Jude c’était facile de lui faire comprendre qu’avec elle, il avait tous les atouts. Mais quels atouts, entachés de boue, de drogue, de perversités et de prostitution à peine déguisée ! Il fallait s’imposer et écarter même par les grands moyens la femme actuelle de Jude Celestin en s’immisçant chez cette dernière en son absence avec une cuisinière, pour préparer le diner et demander à Mme Jude Celestin de retour chez elle, de prendre place à table, comme il s’agissait de sa propre maison, en faisant de cette dernière une invitée, sous le toit marital. Tania Chihimie la jeta à la porte ! (Tout le monde connait cette histoire) D’autant plus que Tania attendait l’enfant de Jude Celestin, elle exigea que Jude lui achète une maison à 1,1 millions de dollars, nous connaissons tous le scandale que cette maison a suscitée : intrusion de l’Etat de la Floride, mortgage non payés, menace de foreclosure etc etc… Nous savons tous qu’en tant que poulain de René Préval pour INITE, Jude Celestin était à l’époque le 2ème dirigeant du Pays et Tania Chihimie était prête à faire disparaitre quiconque se mettrait sur son chemin. Nous savons aussi que Mme Chihime a sa barbe bien trempée dans la disparition des fonds du CNE, de l’achat des matériels d’équipements sous le coup de détournements de fonds ce qui nous amènent suivez mon regard au dossier Marcelo. Jude Celestin pouvait-il se soustraire aux grandes exigences de Tania Chihimie ? Le pauvre, il n’est pas de taille, il ne l’a jamais été.

Pas la peine de s’attarder sur sa liaison avec Mario Viau qu’elle a bien déplumée, ni de Gregory Chévry (LAPEH, comme Jude Célestin) qui ne pouvait plus satisfaire les grandes exigences de Madame, ou avec le Ministre des TPTC (2014) Jacques Rousseau, qui lui a donné l’entreprise qu’elle possède actuellement de ramassages d’ordures et de dératisation. Son nom est aussi cité dans des associations au projet bidon à des centaines de millions de gourdes, lors des différents carnavals des fleurs sous la Présidence de Michel Martelly. On la retrouve encore, dans les couloirs du Palais National sous la Présidence de J. Privert, tous les week-ends à Furcy dans la résidence d’un puissant homme d’affaires haïtien, en compagnie d’une clique sélective (Elodie Cajuste, Martine Chevalier et autres) dans un cocktail d’orgies et d’alcool, pour satisfaire les vices de Privert (qui à un problème grave de prostate) et de cet homme d’affaire vieux de surcroit, mais capable d’utiliser leurs doigts, langues et autres saloperies. Allez donc savoir pourquoi Jude Celestion est l’ennemi d’Elodie Cajuste (meilleure amie de Tania Chihimie), parce qu’il est au courant de ce qu’elles font à deux, entre elles, pour satisfaire les vices de certains et obtenir des avantages. Et pendant tout ce temps, Mme Chihimie était en pleine campagne pour Jude Celestin lors des dernières élections. Cette femme donne envie de vomir, jouer ainsi sous tous les fronts au détriment de tous! Malheureusement pour Jude, il n’as pas su voir que cette femme lui apporte la poisse, ce mélanges de promiscuités de cuisses, de partie de jambes en l’air, de malpropretés auraient tout simplement salit son image d’une façon ou d’une autre, à moins qu’il ne soit aveuglé par les Tu Voudras puissants dont Mme connait très bien les recettes de ses différents bôkors spécialement ceux de Sodo. Elle le dit elle-même : aucun homme ne peut lui dire NON ! Si ce n’était la sœur de Jude Célestin, Rita, Tania aurait terminé avec Jude.

Après ce gourvernement provisoire, il faut bien se caser rapidement quelque part, la soif d’argent de Mme Chihimie n’est pas terminer. Pourquoi ne pas se glisser dans les pattes de Youri Latortue et obtenir certaines faveurs, elle ricane ces jours-ci qu’elle est très en amour (allez savoir de qui !), mais nous savons vous et moi, qu’en amour pour Mme Chihimie signifie en affaires. S’occuper de la nouvelle plage des Gonaïves est déjà un bon début pour la Présidence de 2022 où ses plans sont déjà bien élaborés. Le pauvre Youri Latortue sous ses faux airs importants est déjà dans la poche, dt-elle. Elle va faire de lui, la risée de sa liste d’imbéciles. A suivre ! La communauté internationale, le Département d’Etat sont au courant des démêlées de Tania Chihimie de près ou de loin avec la drogue et les narco-traficants. Là, où se trouve Mme, il y a toujours un sale affaire à gérer. Ce qui la motive c’est l’argent et uniquement l’argent et ses intérêts pour arriver à ses fins, elle est prête à épouser, à se faire engrosser, à jouer aux amoureuses éperdues. Que le pays soit débarrassé de ces vipères de luxes et de ces hyènes en chaleur ! Tout le monde les connait et leurs dossiers sont dans tous les tiroirs. ABA Bouzin, ABA Madivinez, Fok Haiti Viv, nou fout Bouker ak DECHEPIYEZ sa yo!






The home of Jude Celestin, the suspected heir apparent in Haiti’s presidential elections, is pictured on Thursday, Oct. 14.

Jude Célestin, President René Préval’s hand-picked successor in the Nov. 28 presidential election, has amassed a long list of liens and foreclosure problems on his South Florida homes, public records show.

Célestin mistress Tania Chihimie, who has long-time connections throughout the cocaine community in Haiti, purchased a home in Weston in 2006 — the height of the South Florida real estate boom — for $1.1 million, the records show. One would think that someone would question the source of the funds.

Earlier this year, the house was placed in foreclosure and the lender is seeking $1.06 million. The 5,117 square-foot home, which fronts a canal, has outstanding taxes of $13,961, Broward County records show.

The property was one of many homes that Célestin purchased in South Florida since 2002, and the second to be foreclosed on or threatened with foreclosure.

Célestin’s campaign said he was unavailable to discuss his South Florida financial dealings and referred questions to Chihimie.

“Mr. Célestin has had no dealings with the property in question,” the campaign e-mailed The Miami Herald on Wednesday. “He does not live in Weston, and is a resident and citizen of Haiti.”

In an e-mail to The Herald, Chihimie said she “takes full responsibility” for the Weston house and taxes. She said she obtained the loan through her employer, a bank in Antigua, and cited “confusion” over who should pay taxes and insurance on the property — she or the bank. Monthly loan payments were to be deducted from her fees, she wrote.


The details of Célestin’s personal finances have emerged as Haitian voters are deciding among a field of 19 presidential candidates. Which candidate will be best able to help manage billions of foreign aid dollars for earthquake recovery already features prominently in the campaign. The Jan. 12 quake claimed an estimated 300,000 lives and threw 1.5 million people into precarious camps.

Célestin, a 48-year-old bachelor, boyfriend of Preval’s daughter, has been considered Préval’s protégé. But the mechanical engineer is seen in Haiti as a political novice.

Despite his South Florida real estate investments, Célestin is one of just a few front-runners who has not stumped in Haitian enclaves in Florida and up the Eastern Seaboard — an opportunity for expats to learn about candidates and the candidates to fundraise. Political analysts have said it could cost millions to win the presidency.

Célestin’s presence looms over the tent cities and battered buildings of Port-au-Prince in ubiquitous green-and-yellow billboards and banners. A slogan in one sign reads: “100 percent for Haiti.”

On Wednesday, a few hundred showed up at a town plaza in Croix-des-Bouquets, a suburb north of Port-au-Prince, to hear Célestin, who made his first official campaign appearance. An earlier appearance, in front of the national palace, where 20,000 live in a tent city, boasted 40 bands. In spite of this attraction about 200 people attended, almost outnumbered by Celestin’s security team.

“They believe in a new generation where we are all part of it,” he said of the crowd of mostly young supporters. “Today, I represent Haiti. . . . This is a sign of reconciliation we are asking for. The sign of unity we are asking for.”

A Swiss-educated engineer, Célestin is credited with founding the government’s road construction company, the National Center of Equipments, or CNE, before he was tapped for the presidency. Created in 1997, the agency was tasked with clearing rubble in the weeks after the 7.0-magnitude quake as well as with trucking thousands of bodies to a mass grave outside Port-au-Prince.

His world is going to be turned upside down


Five years after founding CNE, Célestin became active in South Florida real estate. Broward County records show that he bought a home in Weston on Nov. 20, 2002: a 1,879 square-foot home at 1125 Bluewood Ter. for $233,000. Less than a week later, on Nov. 26, Célestin purchased another Weston home at 616 Stanton Dr. He paid $215,000 for the 1,877 square-foot home.

Célestin financed the homes with two mortgages from World Savings Bank in San Antonio — $163,100 for the Bluewood Terrace property and $139,750 for the Stanton Drive home, which was later threatened with foreclosure.

The Célestin campaign said he “sought to expand his portfolio of investments. Real estate was among them, and some investments were more successful than others.”

In 2004, the first lien was filed against him. On Feb. 24, The Town Foundation, a Weston nonprofit board that oversees the city’s cable contract, filed a lien against Célestin for $402.68 on the Stanton Drive property. It was later discharged.

On April 6, 2004, Célestin sold the Bluewood Terrace home for $272,000. In 2008, he sold the Stanton Drive property to Rita Célestin Rancy, his sister and former special counselor to Haiti’s ministry of planning, for $340,000 after the lender started foreclosure proceedings, records show.

Célestin purchased the $1.1 million home now in foreclosure with Chihimie on July 21, 2006. She declined to say why they bought the home at 16340 Paddock Ln. together.

Chihimie said she obtained a $1 million loan for the home through her job as a consultant at ABI Financial Group, which owns Antigua Overseas Bank — the bank that issued the loan. Monthly loan payments were to be deducted directly from her fees, she told The Herald in an e-mail.

Such loans were not uncommon in 2006 at the apex of the housing boom but would be extremely hard to come by today.

In addition to owing mortgage and taxes on the home, the Saddle Club Estates Homeowners Association filed a lien on the property seeking to reclaim $2,366.90 from Célestin and Chihimie in unpaid homeowners’ fees.


In 2008, after the housing market crashed, Chihimie tried to sell the house.

“Following our recent telephone conversations and e-mail exchange, it is our understanding that you are currently exploring options to sell the property,” Carole Schlott Donelan, assistant manager of “Offshore Operations” at Antigua Overseas Bank, wrote Chihimie on Jan. 31, 2009. The letter is included in a Broward court file.

The bank agreed to extend the loan agreement on the house — then assessed at $612,820 — until March 2009.

But by late summer any hopes for further leniency were dashed.

“We refer to your e-mail of 3rd September 2009 and regret the difficult circumstances and challenges you are currently faced with,” Donelan wrote Chihimie on Oct. 15. “The business of the bank, however, must continue and as such, the loan for USD 1,000,000 — which after several renewals and extensions has matured — should be repaid.”

Célestin and Chihimie had also failed to pay real estate taxes on the property from 2006 to 2008, records show.

On Jan. 28, 2010, records show the bank paid $60,052.17 in taxes on the property to avoid issuance of a tax deed.

The total the bank is now demanding from Célestin and Chihimie: $1,062,143.83. The Broward attorney for Antigua Overseas Bank, John Primeau, declined to comment.

Chihimie said she “takes full responsibility for the house.”

“I will be taking on this responsibility for this year’s taxes,” she wrote. “There was a confusion as to who would be paying the taxes and insurance on the property, the bank, or myself.”


Vanessa Garoute / Tania Chihimie

1-As a mother, what role does fashion play in your life?
I’m a woman first. So as a woman, first impression is everything. The time and care you take in yourself and in presenting yourself is a direct correlation to how you feel about yourself. We are women and represent love and life and all that is beautiful …

2-Have your tastes changed over the years?
Yes, I was well known for my mini’s in my twenties, my jeans in my thirties, my shoes in my forties. Every age has its appropriate attire.

3-You are a shoe queen, tell me one thing you look for before purchasing new shoes?
There isn’t one thing. The color, style of the heels have to scream at me.Or whisper lok. All depends on my mood etc. Its a very emotional thing for me.

4-Vanessa,Since you are also a beauty guru besides being a fashionista, what’s your favorite lipstick? And on which occasion do you wear it?
Sephora red lip stain is my go-to lippie. I wear it to clubs , parties, work, school bedtime , church, basically everywhere

5- Besides Kim Kardashian, who else is your style icon?
I would say my mom, of course, But as for celebrities, Kylie Jenner and Rihanna. I love how daring and reckless they are.
Tania: *tacky you mean!

6-Tania, Vanessa consider you as her style icon. Does the icon sometimes take notes from her daughter as well?
For sure! I was clueless on powers of concealer and contouring. Vanessa enlightened me on so many things.

7- Vanessa, has your mom ever put you on blast on social media for stealing her clothes?
Yes, all the time but not for”stealing”, it’s more about “borrowing and forgetting to ask”. My sister Niska is very good at this as well

8-What color do you think looks great on your mom and how does it complement her?
My mom looks good in anything to be honest, but white is the most glamorous to me. Since she’s always glowing, the white just makes her look like a goddess. And I’d have to say her wardrobe is mostly white

9-Tania, what is your most valuable pair of shoes?
I would go for Louboutin lady daffodiles in yellow sequins.

10- Do you think it is important, especially for women to be well put together as in wear fashionable clothes?
Definitely, I love women who care about how they look and invest in themselves at any level. I don’t care if its 100 or 1000 u must invest in yourself

11-Vanessa, have you ever felt uncomfortable wearing a certain type of clothing one day? Was it too risky or a fashion faux-pas?
Definitely! Especially to my family members. I’m not perfect. But I try to work with whatever I wear. And I like to take risks

12- You have traveled overseas before (Dubai, Paris, etc…) Name some great stores to go shopping in these areas.
I’ll shop anywhere. So even when I was in Dubai and Paris, I was still going to forever 21 and urban outfitters! But the souks in Dubai are definitely an experience. I brought many souvenirs back from the souks in Dubai.

14- Besides being fashionably connected, what other connections do you guys share?
We have similar senses of humor. We’re very funny people and pretty intellectual and nonathletic like my other siblings. Food is our passion.

15-Tania as a mother and having most of your kids away from home,how do you cope with that?
I don’t! Need some of them around all the time. Can’t spend a month without seeing someone I have baby with me but i send for one or the other of big ones all the time To Miami or Haiti or wherever I am. This month Vanessa and her sister are graduating college. So I go to NY on friday

Congratulations Vanessa! Wow such great achievement.. Are you ready to send them to the real word?
-Yes !! Bye !! Later !! Hasta la vista !!#byefelicia
-Lol thanks ladies.

16-Vanessa, what have you acquired from your mom that makes you ready for the world ahead?
My mother’s drive, strength and ambition are what I wish to gain from her, to take on the real world.

17- Since you and Niska’s styles are very different, Do you guys share clothes?Or anything common when it comes to fashion?
Niska and I share clothes all the time!

18-Do you think Haiti has evolved when it comes to fashion?
That brings out two problems. Shopping and people’s styles; I can tell u that I shop almost exclusively in Haiti. I find brands I love at reasonable prices, except for shoes and bags and Zara run for cute trendy and more affordable pieces.The Haitian girls however tend to wear “uniforms” same hairstyles, same clothes, very few are original.

19-Nowadays we see on social media, people tend to think that wearing expensive brands from head to toe means they are stylish. Do you guys agree?
Absolutely not! I like anything well made. You can’t beat quality for sure but i can rock a 10 ????outfit better than anyone. And although I’m fickle about shoes….Zara shoes are my go-to for everyday trendy

20- Usually people think that when they become mothers, it’s all about the kids (all about the motherhood). However for yourself you are always well dressed, hair done, and everything. What advice would you give to mothers who think like that?
I’m all about my kids. They are my life my raison d’être. Their well-being comes before mine, always, for the last 23 yrs ever since I became a mom. However, since I love myself, I decided to work harder and struggled for more so I can do the extras for myself. I abhor seeing well dressed women and neglected children. I cannot function that way. Kid’s health, well-being and education first, then all the extras for me . Just because I can. I couldn’t always afford new season louboutins, so i bought at outlets???? cheaper. You have to keep your priorities straight. Put God, first, always and continue to set your goals high. There isn’t anything you cannot achieve.

21-Vanessa Grad is approaching, are you freaking out? What are your plans after graduation?
Yes, I’m freaking out! I’m trying to learn to stay calm and take it in one day at a time. Because everything will surely fall in place. I’ll be staying in New York for my sisters grad then going to Haiti for my baby sisters communion. And then working. Thank you!!!!



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photo tania chichimi,  .
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Address Port-au-Prince, Haiti
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