Farmland For Sale in Les Cayes Haiti
14,110 square meters (109 centiemes or 3.4 acres) of flat, ready to build project or farm land for sale at Les Cayes – Torbeck (Haitian Creole: Okay), Haiti. Want to plant vetiver? Les Cayes is #1 in producing such expensive and in demand product.
Don’t want to get into farming? Well, new owner can build houses, apartment complex, university campus, medical facility, hotel & resorts, or simple use the land to raise cattle (animals). These are just a few ideas.
Located less than 2 minutes drive and 5 minutes walk from the ocean, the main road is just a few blocks away. Land is front size enclosed.
Flash Haiti - +509 3737-3232 (Call or WhatsApp) / sales@flashhaiti.com
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