Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville
. . Ouest , Port-au-Prince , Petion-Ville 1281 Item Id:

Apartment for Rent in Berthe, Petionville, Haiti

Centrally situated in Berthe, Petionville, this fully furnished, all-inclusive apartment offers convenient amenities including a stove, refrigerator, AC, ceiling fans, hot water, parking, and 24/7 security. Just a 5-minute walk from the bustling Petionville business district, this property provides a comfortable and accessible living experience.

Flash Haiti - +509 3737-3232 (Call or WhatsApp) / sales@flashhaiti.com

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