Category: . Website: . P No: . P No: . P No: . Location: Ouest , Port-au-Prince , Tabarre View: 9256

"In God We Trust" 

In Case of Emergency (American Citizen Services)

509 3417-2399 / 509 3464-3998 -

United States Embassy in Haiti / Ambassade des États-Unis d'Amérique

About the Embassy

Offices and Department

The embassy consists of the Department of State, which is the lead U.S. government agency for managing diplomatic relations, as well as eight other departments and agencies, which carry out a broad array of missions important to the United States and Haiti.

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. .

Address Tabarre 41, Boulevard 15 Octobre Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone 509 2229-8000,509 2229-8397,
Fax 509 2229-8028