Category: . Website: . P No: . P No: . P No: . Location: Ouest , Port-au-Prince , Aeroport View: 8713


Since 2003, our unrivaled expertise has enabled us to deliver precision, performance and reliability for all plastic-related projects. As we continuously adopt the latest plastic innovations and technologies, we are a fast-growing company dedicated to tailoring our resources and expertise to meet needs and requirements of our customers. Our quest for innovation is not only driven by the latest technological advancements, but mainly by our strong desire to properly serve the institutions entrusting us with their plastic goods.


We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible plastic products by constantly innovating. We use the latest cutting-edge technology to meet the challenges of tomorrow in the plastic industry.

We pride ourselves on providing effective and reliable services to our customers and establishing a strong working relationship. We manufacture tailored products with a wide variety of colors, textures and shapes to materialize the vision of our customers. (Browse through our catalog)

As we pledge to deliver the highest quality products, we also comply with the following international standards of quality

Les entreprises Plastech Haiti S.A. System is certified for ISO9001:2015 and FSSC22000 V5.1 Standards

Experiencing remarkable growth since 2003, we are proudly committed to align with relevant causes and contribute to positive social change. As an equal opportunity employer, we support gender equality, invest in our employees’ welfare, their ongoing education and guarantee their safety at work. We support and implement eco-friendly solutions such as in-house waste management and recycling while raising awareness among our employees and society on a larger scale

LES ENTREPRISES PLASTECH HAITI is a leading manufacturer of plastic goods and preforms which aims at providing competitive prices, fast and reliable supply, quality customer-service and ongoing innovation.

State of the art equipment enables high volume production to meet the demands of large scale orders.

We deliver locally and ship to the America/Caribbean region.

Our highly skilled staff, along with our strong culture of continuous learning enable us to keep refining our approach in order to deliver top quality products suitable to all kinds of markets.

Believing in local production, our MADE IN HAITI products are manufactured in a both socially responsible and globally capable environment - with long-terms investments - aiming at creating jobs based on gender equality.

In our state-of-the-art molding and injection facilities, we manufacture a wide variety of high-quality plastic items, including bottles and caps, buckets and pails, containers, crates, jerry cans, PET preforms and household articles created for different types of markets such as industrial, food and beverage, personal care and household.

We offer 4-color offset printing and screen printing.

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Address 6 Rue Fleming, route Cité Militaire, Haiti
Phone 509 2813-1423,,