Category: . Website: . P No: . P No: . P No: . Location: Ouest , Port-au-Prince , Petion-Ville View: 18683

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Store Locations:

  • Angle rues Oge et Clerveaux (Complexe Maglio), Petion-Ville
  • 4, rue Gabart, Petionville

If you do business in Haiti, you don't need to look for various suppliers for your office needs. You will find it all here from Office Supplies, Technology, Furniture. We are the only business in Haiti that professionally manufactures stamps, with the highest standard of quality from Trodat. For any information, please contact us.

What We Do

Our business is to establish a long-term relation with our customers, and to ensure their satisfaction and their success in whatever field they are operating. We have over 2,000 products in stock all the time and our catalog of over 10,000 products can be special ordered for any project size. Also, we are one of the few businesses in the country that can supply you will all your product needs in one place.

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Please give us a call and get a free quotation for:

-Office Supplies
-Office Furniture and File Cabinets
-Printers and Cartridges
-Trodat STAMPS with your name and logo

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Address Angle Rues Oge Et Clerveaux (Complexe Maglio), Petion-Ville
Phone 509 2814-4800,509 3702-4404,