Category: . Website: . P No: . P No: . P No: . Location: Ouest , Port-au-Prince , Aeroport View: 9007



MAF Haiti has three airplanes available for flights to 15 airstrips within Haiti. We serve missions groups, non-governmental organizations, and the general public. We have operated in Haiti for 25 years out of love for the Haitian people and for Christ.


- To e-mail us with questions, click here.
- To subscribe to our quarterly newsletter, click here.
- For information on the types of services we offer, click here.
- For information about connecting flights, click here.

Charter Flights

- MAF Haiti flies to 15 different airstrips. We offer charter flights in two five-passenger planes and one nine-passenger plane. For a map of our destinations, click here.
- The price depends on the destination. Prices start at $256 for a five-passenger plane.
- The amount of cargo weight available depends on the aircraft being used. When requesting a flight, please estimate the weight of the cargo you’d like to bring.
- We operate Monday through Saturday from 8 AM to 2:30 PM to many locations.
- To request a charter flight, click here.

Regularly Scheduled Flights 

MAF flies regularly scheduled flights to Pignon on Mondays and Fridays at 1:00. The cost per seat is $65 USD. Check-in time is 12:00. Each paid seat is allowed 25 lb. of baggage/cargo. Excess baggage, if space is available, will be charged at $0.50 /lb, or you may purchase an additional seat which is guaranteed up to 200 lbs on that flight. To request a seat on a regular flight, click here. Plans are in the works for a new regular flight to Jacmel, which we hope to start soon.

Flight Info


Connecting flights in Port-au-Prince

Welcome to Port-au-Prince

 Please be sure to allow at least 2 hours between flights (between MAF and other carriers).

From the International Terminal to the MAF Office

A is the Main terminal and B is where the MAF office is located.
Taxi service is typically $7 per person

MAF Haiti Flights
Click on the picture to enlarge


Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) provides vital aviation, email communications, and distance education services to Haitian churches, Christian missions, and non-government organizations (NGOs) ministering in Haiti.

Since 1986, MAF has enabled the work and maximized the effectiveness of Christian workers and agencies in Haiti. MAF missionary families and Haitian staff members fly and maintain three aircraft, servicing over 14 airstrips from a base of operations in Port-au-Prince.

In the past 12 months, the MAF program in Haiti ...

  • Executed 1,740 flights
  • Transported 6,330 passengers
  • Delivered 437,070 pounds of cargo

HH-MAF is a Cessna 207 serving in Haiti. HH-MAF flies roughly 800 passengers, 48,500 pounds of cargo, and 220 hours every year. Learn more and adopt »



Address Toussaint Louverture Intl. Airport – PAP (Port-au-Prince) :Guy Malary Terminal – MAF Office
Phone 509 3791-9209,+1 (208) 498-0800,1 800 FLYS-MAF (359-7623)