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Haiti still magical

The Magazine

Dear Readers, It is with great joy and much satisfaction that Le Nouvelliste, Haïti’s oldest newspaper in collaboration with the Association Touristique d’Haïti (Tourism Association of Haïti) is re-launching Magic Haïti. We have been working fervently to produce the new Magic Haïti and it is with great pride that we are presenting you, “the tourist (short or long term visitor),” a new full-color monthly version of the publication that will help you experience the culture, cuisine, and panorama of Haïti and build lasting memories.

With a fresh eye-catching aesthetic, Magic Haïti’s philosophy and traditions of fusing informative articles with a unique outlook and a stylish presentation will be maintained. As the old adage states “pictures are worth a thousand words,” we pay particular attention to the selection of pictures that not only complement the text, but also tell their very own story. The goal of the magazine is to promote local tourism by encouraging foreign professionals and businessmen residing in Haïti for whatever length of time, Haïtians living in the Diaspora visiting family and friends, as well as locals to explore and discover the depth and breadth of Haïti. As you flip through these pages, you will be able to identify must see destinations; uncover an array of distractions, from sandy coastal beaches, to boutique hotels, to eateries, and even art galleries and open markets.
In this first edition, the focus is on Jacmel, the art capital of Haïti, an animated city that has always welcomed visitors with open arms. Jacmel’s colorful artistic tapestry has intrigued and attracted celebrities and artists alike and as a result, there are projects underway that will significantly impact the city while keeping her distinctive her culture and traditions alive. In “Haïti On My Mind” you will meet successful Haïtians in the Diaspora who have kept close ties with their beloved island, while “Why Haïti” will feature stories on foreigners opting to make Haïti their home. Magic Haïti will also inform you about Hot Dates (upcoming events) to mark on your calendar. Admittedly, Haïti may not be the island that comes to mind when planning a magical Caribbean getaway for rest and relaxation or a vacation, but reconsider and you will be pleasantly surprised.


We encourage you to simply Discover Haïti and experience the Magic!


Magic Haiti Monthly Magazines

Click an image below to START reading

1st Edition / September 2011 2nd Edition / October 2011
3rd Edition / November 2011 4th Edition / December 2011
5th Edition / January 2012 6th Edition / February 2012
7th Edition / March 2012 8th Edition / April 2012
9th Edition / May 2012 10th Edition / June 2012
11th Edition / July 2012 12th Edition / August 2012
13th Edition / September 2012 14th Edition / October 2012
15th Edition / November 2012 16 Edition / December 2012
17th Edition / January 2013 18 Edition / February 2013
19th Edition / March 2013 20th Edition / April 2013
21th Edition / May 2013  

Address 198, ru du Centre (local Le Nouvelliste), Port-au-Prince
Phone 509 2816-0222,509 2816-0224,509 3492-2289