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Bringing you Haitian Citizen Media since 2005


Alice B.
Multilingual citizen and social media professional. Internet Without Borders Americas desk. Global Voices Lingua Founder and former team Leader. Formerly Francophonia Editor at Global Voices, covering French-speaking blogs of the Caribbean, Africa and Oceania.

View my complete profile




I am now available for a range of communications services in French, English and Haitian Kreyòl including:


  • email campaigns;
  • social media campaigns;
  • video tutorials;
  • multilingual voice messaging campaigns; 
  • remunerated advertising on the blog, on the daily newsletter and on;
  • sms campaigns.

Kiskeácity, HaitianBloggers and Kiskeácity Daily are all free and your purchase of the above services will support the site and allow me to continue amplifying Haitian voices. Please spread the word and inquire with me for bio and rates. Alice DOT Backer AT Facebook DOT com.


Spotlight On Haiti Ep1 Part 1- Dual Citizenship

Dual Citizenship: Dream or Reality? In this premiere episode of Spotlight on Haiti guest host Alice Backer discusses the issue of dual citizenship with guests, Jocelyn McCalla, Ilio Durandis and Reginald Toussaint. Did President Martelly make a promise he's not able to keep? What is on the horizon for Haitians living abroad who one day dream of having dual citizenship? Why is this topic so important to many Haitians living abroad? What is at stake if this constitutional amendment doesn't get passed?

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