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Green Leaf Industries will soon inaugurate the GB GROUP’s interests in the field of agriculture representing the first fertilizer plant in Haiti specifically built to promulgate agronomy and aide Haitian farmers with a new, state-of-the-art production facility.

One of Green Leaf’s founding partners boasts more than 40 yrs. of experience as a reference in the region with more than 5,000 custom products including organic & water soluble fertilizers.

Together the GB GROUP and the Caribbean’s market leader, come together to identify a market need for a domestic high-quality product available directly to both large and small scale consumers at a competitive price. Green Leaf will be proud to be a pioneer in this industry mastering efficient processes in fertilizer production, packaging and delivery.

With this proposed 9,000 square meter plant, Haitian customers will not need to stock inventory as orders can be placed, produced and delivered within 24 to 48 hours to anywhere in the country. This plant will stock 24,000 metric tons of raw material and produce 80,000 metric tons of finished product per year in a regular 40-hour work week.

Green Leaf’s mission is to produce a premium product at a reasonable price while helping local farmers climb the supply chain as well as to promote domestic agriculture.








AG·RI·CUL·TURE [ag-ri-kuhl-cher] noun
1. the science, art or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming.


2. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry.


Traditionally, Agriculture has been Haiti’s industry of choice dating back to Colonial Days. This allows the Haitian farmer know-how and talent passed down from generation to generation.

Close to 80% of the Haitian population’s income is directly derived from Agriculture and thus is one of the sectors with the largest potential for growth, modernization and wealth creation.

The GB Group – through affiliate companies – will contribute to Haiti’s improvement via better fertilizers and fertilization practices, organized production, packaging solutions and logistics.

In the long run, we hope to contribute to developing premium priced organic goods for international markets positioning Haiti as the power player that it is.

Investing in Agriculture in Haiti is also an effective way to alleviate overpopulation in mayor cities, which were originally designed to house only 20% of today’s actual occupancy.

The soci-economic benefits of investing in Haitian Agriculture include: improving quality of life in rural areas, empowering farmers, positioning Haitian products in international markets, reducing Haiti’s dependence on imported goods, creating jobs, soil rebirth and deforestation.

By the same token, the effects of not pushing Haitian Agriculture forth are dismal as combining decreasing incomes with increasing international prices is catastrophic.

We’re ready to stand behind Haitian Agriculture. Are you?

Address Route Nationale #1, Chancerelles (Complexe GB Group), Port-au-Prince
Phone 509 2814-0000,509 2814-0002,1(305) 792-4650