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"Clean Haiti"


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Welcome! We are a company that believes that recycling can change a nation.

And strive every day to do just that. Join us!

About Us

Environmental Cleaning Solutions S.A. (ECSSA) operates a material recovery facility based in Port au Prince, Haiti which collects recyclable products; specifically PET, HDPE, LDPE, Tin, OCC, and Aluminum. Our goal is to collect over 80 tons of solid waste per day.

At the heart of ECSSA, it is a recycling center.  Most don’t think of collecting trash as changing a nation but we believe it does.  Beyond the bags full of bottles and plastics are people.  Because of what ECSSA is doing, collectors are capable of increasing their income which allows them to send their kids to school, feed their children, and have hope for a better life. All meanwhile, the environment in Haiti continues to improve as waste is removed from the streets. This is why ECSSA is not just a recycling center, it’s a company changing a nation.

Our History:

ECSSA was started in 2010 after founder Edouard Carrie dived into a recycling project while studying at the University of Tampa.  After seeing the potential recycling could have on his home nation, he started ECSSA.  In a short time, ECSSA has grown from a handful of suppliers to an internationally recognized company employing thousands of Haitians with jobs.

Our Mission:

Our mission is simple: to change a nation through recycling.  Through the focus of the first stage of the recycling process, ECSSA is not only able to help the environment through the cleanup of Haiti but also gives hope to thousands of people that can make a living through recycling with ECSSA.


The work Edouard Carrie has done through ECSSA has earned him the University of Tampa’s 2010 Entrepreneur of the Year as well as the honorable Digicel Entrepreneur of the Year in the Environment category for 2011.

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Get Involved

In order to encourage a local cleanup and entrepreneurial mindset, ECSSA provides opportunities to local entrepreneurs to gather up recyclable products that is guaranteed to be bought at a fair price. Here are some ways you can be part of this initiative:

Buy a Bag, Start a Business!

ECSSA provides bags to people so that they can start a business of collecting recyclable products and earn income.  You can help give someone a  start in their business by donating the money to purchase a bag! For $5, you can help change a life!

Donate needed equipment

Interested in investing into ECSSA?  Equipment such as balers and scales help ECSSA grow to reach new business owners.  If you are interested in donating this equipment or funding the purchase of them, please contact us.

For Buyers

Environmental Cleaning Solutions S.A. (ECSSA) operates a material recovery facility based in Port au Prince, Haiti which collects recyclable products; specifically PET, HDPE, LDPE, Tin, OCC, and Aluminum. Our goal is to collect over 80 tons of solid waste per day.

Edouard Carrié
Environmental Cleaning Solutions S.A.

Dans les affaires, l’important c’est de se préparer. C’est pourquoi, à l’âge de 24 ans, Edouard Carrié a étudié l’entreprenariat à l’Université de Tampa en Floride, ceci dans le but de pouvoir un jour créer sa propre entreprise.

Il a rédigé son mémoire sur le thème « La Création d’Entreprise », et le projet qu’il avait choisi nous permet de voir son potentiel en tant qu’entrepreneur. Il avait décidé de créer une petite entreprise de collecte de bobines en plastique. L’industrie textile utilise des dizaines de milliers de bobines de fil en Haïti et il eut l’idée de les collecter pour les vendre à un intermédiaire afin qu’elles soient recyclées.

Lorsqu’il rentra définitivement en Haïti l’année dernière, une fois ses études terminées, il créa une autre entreprise toujours liée au recyclage, l’organisation du ramassage, le triage et le compactage des déchets en plastique qui s’amoncellent dans les rues d’Haïti. Son père lui fournit un capital de départ et possède 40 % de l’entreprise.

Edouard Carrié en possède aussi 40 % et sa sœur qui est comptable possède les parts restantes.

Le ramassage du plastique est fait par une petite armée de 1500 personnes, toutes employées sous contrat. Edouard Carrié loue un terrain qui sert de centre de tri pour entreposer les collectes de déchets qui se font jusqu’à 12 tonnes par jour.

Son système fonctionne à merveille et il pense déjà à s’agrandir. Avec le slogan « Nettoyons Haïti », il espère pouvoir embaucher jusqu’à 10 000 personnes pour ramasser les déchets dans tout le pays – ce qui pourrait occasionner d’importants bénéfices économiques.

Address 16 Rue C. Seant (En face de la CAMEP), Rte De Tabarre, Clercine
Phone 509 3702-4499,,