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Draw your MIND!


Artwork by Bousiko :

- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Illustration
- Animation
- 3D

Interview with Jerry Boursiquot (Bousiko)/Entretien avec Jerry Boursiquot (Bousiko)

Hélène Botreau interviews Haitian cartoonist Jerry Boursiquot (Bousiko) during Cartooning for Peace and Health, March 28, 2012. Bousiko has been publishing his cartoons in Le Matin since 2009.

Organized by Cartooning for Peace--America and sponsored by Emory's Halle Institute for Global Learning, Cartooning for Peace and Health featured a series of public lectures, classroom discussions, and a gallery exhibition. A diverse lineup of 18 editorial cartoonists from around the world participated in the symposium, which explored the role of the cartoonist in the public sphere, with a special focus on politics, peacemaking, and health.

-Emory University




Bousiko featured in the May 25th 2013 publication of Ticket Magazine.




Bousiko featured in the September 2012 publication of Magic Haiti magazine. [pages 18 - 20]

Bousiko – Haïti « Fini de rire.




Address Pétion-Ville, Port-au-Prince, Ouest
Phone 509 3939-3932,,