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Aeromedical transportation for the people of Haiti


Our Mission

Haiti Air Ambulance is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing an emergency aeromedical service to the people of Haiti. We fly critically ill or injured patients to emergency medical care - regardless of their ability to pay for the flight. Our mandate is to provide healthcare security, create jobs, develop educational programs, and foster an environment of growth and sustainability in Haiti.

Haiti Air Ambulance.

Why We Fly

A prematurely born infant struggles for life. A father of six suffers a heart attack while working on his farm. Two children are hurt when their parents’ car overturns on a muddy road. If emergencies like these were to happen to you or one of your loved ones in the U.S. or any developed country, you’d take it for granted that an ambulance would arrive quickly--probably within the so-called “golden hour”. That’s when chances of survival are greatest if victims get adequate medical attention. That is not the case in Haiti. Scores of Haitians perish from disease, accidents and other causes that could have been successfully treated had they reached a hospital emergency room in time. Haiti’s landscape is rugged and mountainous in many places---and rough country roads can turn a dash to the hospital into an ordeal that lasts for hours or even days. And that can easily translate to a death sentence for Haitian men, women and children who are unlucky enough to get sick or be hurt more than a few miles from a hospital. Filling this gap in the health care system is also critical to Haiti’s efforts to help itself by attracting industry that produces jobs—and hope for Haiti’s future. This is why we fly, and we hope you will join us as we work to make a lasting change in Haiti.


L-R Back: Dr.Vincent DeGenarro Jr., Reginald Auguste, Rymann Winter, Jordan Owen
L-R Front: Patrick Dolan, Ralph McDaniel

HAA is a public, not-for-profit corporation under U.S. 501 (c) (3), and is registered in Haiti as a private non-profit foundation. Our team includes aviation professionals, skilled medical personnel and other supporters who have a passionate interest in filling the need for Haiti’s first HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) and Medical Evacuation program.

Current team members include:

Patrick Dolan – Co-founder, Haiti Air Ambulance
Patrick Dolan is a pilot, journalist and member of the board of the Dolan Family Foundation. DFF is based in Woodbury, N.Y., contributes to a wide variety of causes and organizations aimed at bettering the lives of the less fortunate. Mr. Dolan flew his Navajo Chieftain as a volunteer medical relief pilot during the earthquake period in Haiti. He is rated as a certified flight instructor and has logged 4,000 hours in fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Mr. Dolan is also president of News 12 Networks, which provides local television news to suburban New York communities and two of New York City’s five boroughs.

Rymann Winter – Co-founder, Haiti Air Ambulance
Rymann Winter has been working on bringing an emergency aeromedical program to Haiti since 2007. A committed humanitarian and an active commercial pilot, he organized numerous volunteer flights in support of the Haiti earthquake rescue effort. Rymann is also the president of Proteus Air Services, a leading flight school in Los Angeles, California.

Reginald Auguste – Co-founder HAA, Fondation Haïtienne pour une Education Adaptée à l’Aéronautique

Ralph McDaniel – Acting Executive Director, Haiti Air Ambulance
Ralph McDaniel has extensive experience managing emergency medical operations. As co-founder and senior partner of GA Aeromedical Inc, of Atlanta, GA, he expanded a one-helicopter operation to five bases with a staff of 84. He won the 2010 Georgia Regional EMS Pioneer award. Mr. McDaniel also served as director of the Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta. He has worked as a certified EMT, cardiac technician and firefighter.

Jordan Owen – Chief Paramedic and Operations Manager, Haiti Air Ambulance
Jordan Owen is a 25 year veteran of Emergency Medical Services, with extensive rural, wilderness, and metropolitan experience. He is a former Flight Paramedic for Air Methods, Inc., and is also a Fire Department Captain. During the post earthquake period, he served in Haiti as an Incident Commander, Paramedic and House Supervisor at Hopital de Adventiste in Port-au-Prince, He has also performed Fire and Medical work in Mexico and Costa Rica. Jordan has lived in Haiti for the past 18 months, paving the way for the launch of the HAA program.

Dr. Vincent DeGennaro Jr. – Medical Director, Haiti Air Ambulance

Dr. Vince DeGennaro is an internal medicine doctor and global health specialist who has worked in Haiti since 2004 and speaks Haitian Creole and French. He spends part time in Haiti as the Medical Director of Haiti Air Ambulance and part-time in the Division of Infectious Disease and Global Medicine at the University of Florida. He also works as the Director of Internal Medicine for Haiti Air Ambulance’s partner Project Medishare. A staunch advocate for social justice, he fights to increase access to healthcare in developing countries, including helping to build national cancer programs in Rwanda and now in Haiti. With the Haiti Air Ambulance team, he hopes to improve access to all emergency services in Haiti. Follow Dr. DeGennaro on Twitter @DoctorGlobal.

Barth Green, M.D. Neurosurgeon – University of Miami and cofounder of Project Medishare for Haiti, Board Member, Co-Founder F.H.E.A.A. Fondation Haïtienne pour une Education Adaptée à l’Aéronautique
Dr. Barth Green is presently Professor and Chairman of the Department of the Neurological Surgery, Professor of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. He is also Chief of the Neurosurgical Services at Jackson Memorial Hospital and Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center. He received his B.A. from Indiana University in 1966 and his M.D. from Indiana University School of Medicine in 1969.

Pasha Vorbe – Fondation Haïtienne pour une Education Adaptée à l’Aéronautique

Dr. Robert Vizza – President of the Dolan Family Foundation and Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research
He has served as president and CEO of St. Francis Hospital Heart Center and Dean of Manhattan College, N.Y. An author of eight books and more than one hundred articles on management, Dr. Vizza has also served on the boards of 9 public corporations and universities. He has been employed as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies including GE, IBM, Exxon and 3m.



Haïti - Santé : «Ayiti Air Anbilans» un tournant en Haïti
21/08/2014 11:18:50

Après la visite de la Première Dame Sophia Martelly en juin dernier le Président Martelly rendra une visite officielle aux services d’« Ayiti Air Anbilans » (AAA), un organisme à but non lucratif, qui offre le premier service d’hélicoptère médical d’urgence du pays.

Les situations d'urgence ne manquent pas en Haïti, pourtant, les services de secours ne sont pas équipés, ni pour faire face aux défis géographiques, ni pour répondre rapidement aux urgences, alors que nombre de patients auraient pu être sauvés s'ils avaient atteint les services d’urgences à temps. Les hélicoptères d « Ayiti Air Anbilans » apportent une véritable solution aux risques liés à la lenteur et aux mauvaises conditions de transport. Les hélicoptères, équipés avec du matériel moderne de soins intensifs et de chirurgie, permettent à équipe médicale de stabiliser des patients gravement malades ou blessés durant leur transport vers l'un des 15 centres de soins affiliés. Notez que ce transport est offert indépendamment de la capacité de payer des patients.

Si la multiplication et l'ouverture d'infrastructures de santé de meilleur calibre tels que dispensaires et centres de santé à travers le pays, ainsi que la construction de structures sanitaires plus importantes, tels que l’hôpital de l’OFATMA aux Cayes, l’hôpital départemental de l’Artibonite aux Gonaïves ou encore l’Hôpital Simbi Continental à Port-au-Prince permettent à une plus grande partie de la population d’avoir accès aux soins de santé, il n’en demeure pas moins vrai que la lenteur d’accès aux différents services, en particulier aux urgences, est une problématique à laquelle répond « Ayiti Air Anbilans ».

Rappelons qu’ « Ayiti Air Anbilans » est le résultat d’une entente annoncé en janvier dernier avec « Air Methods Corporation » (AMC), le leader mondial dans le transport aérien médical Selon cet accord de services hospitaliers, AMC fournira deux hélicoptères Bell 407 (primaire et back-up) et emploiera trois pilotes et deux mécaniciens. « Ayiti Air Anbilans » emploiera l'équipe clinique et fournira la direction médicale. « Ayiti Air Anbilans » a reçu son premier hélicoptère en mars 2014 et après avoir été autorisé à opérer en Haïti, a sauvé sa premier vie en juin 2014.

Pour en savoir plus sur « Ayiti Air Anbilans » et apporter votre généreuse contribution visiter :

- from Haiti Libre - Ref:

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